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Kibbutz Dalia's Sculpture Park Attraction Public Parks & Gardens

Kibbutz Dalia

Information and Review of the Kibbutz Dalia's Sculpture Park

Kibbutz member Nathan Ezra Yenuka created a sculpture garden to express the spirit of the place, focusing on art in motion. The 24 works on display are of varying sizes, mainly figurative, and made of marble, polyester, local rocks, and more.

FAQ for Kibbutz Dalia's Sculpture Park (Public Parks & Gardens in Israel):

Wheelchair accessible? Yes,
Is there a parking? Yes,
Is it sutable for children? Yes.
Attraction Type: Public Parks & Gardens, Region: North, Address: Kibbutz Dalia (Find more Public Parks & Gardens in Israel: North)

Kibbutz Dalia's Sculpture Park Opening hours:






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